- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2019-2020)
- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2018-2019)
- Circle-wise Tax Collection in Saharsa District of Bihar (2016-2017-upto September, 2016)
- Circle-wise Collection of Entertainment Tax in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016)
- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016-upto September, 2015)
- Revenue Collection on Treasury Basis in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016)
- Revenue Collection of Transport in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016)
- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016)
- Circle-wise Tax Collection in Saharsa District of Bihar (2015-2016)
- Circle-wise Collection of Entertainment Tax in Saharsa District of Bihar (2014-2015)
- Stamp Duty Received from Bank Challan and Stamp Paper in Saharsa District of Bihar (2012-2013 to 2014-2015)
- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2014-2015)
- Circle-wise Tax Collection in Saharsa District of Bihar (2014-2015)
- Revenue Collection of Transport in Saharsa District of Bihar (2014-2015)
- Circle-wise Tax Collection in Saharsa District of Bihar (2013-2014)
- Revenue Collection of Transport in Saharsa District of Bihar (2011-2012 to 2013-2014)
- Revenue from Stamp Duty and Registration Fees in Saharsa District of Bihar (2013-2014)
- Revenue Collection on Treasury Basis in Saharsa District of Bihar (2013-2014)
- Circle-wise Collection of Entertainment Tax in Saharsa District of Bihar (2008-2009 to 2013-2014)
- Number of Registered Documents and Revenue Receipts in Saharsa District of Bihar (2012-2013)
- Number of Registered Documents and Revenue Receipts in Saharsa District of Bihar (2012-13-Upto January, 2013)
- Revenue Receipts by Bank Challan and Stamp Papers in Saharsa District of Bihar (2012-2013-Upto April-January, 2013)
- Revenue Receipts by Bank Challan and Stamp Papers in Saharsa District of Bihar (2011-2012)
- Target and Collection of Revenue Receip in Saharsa District of Bihar (2011-2012)
- Number of Registered Documents and Revenue Receipts in Saharsa District of Bihar (2011-2012)
- Revenue Receipts by Bank Challan and Stamp Papers in Saharsa District of Bihar (2010-2011)
- Number of Registered Documents and Revenue Receipts in Saharsa District of Bihar (2010-2011)
- Number of Registered Documents and Revenue Receipts in Saharsa District of Bihar (2009-2010)