- Number of Existing Girdwar Quanangoe Circles, Patwar Halqas and Villages by Tehsil in Shupiyan District of Jammu & Kashmir
- Number of Existing Girdwar Quanangoe Circles, Patwar
Halqas and Villages by Tehsil in Shupiyan District of Jammu & Kashmir
- Tehsil-wise Number of Existing Girdwar Quanangoe Circles, Patwar Halqas and Villages in Shupiyan District of Jammu & Kashmir (2017-2018)
- Tehsil-wise Number of Existing Girdwar Quanangoe Circles, Patwar Halqas and Villages in Shupiyan District of Jammu & Kashmir (2015-2016)
- Tehsil-wise Number of Existing Girdwar Quanangoe Circles, Patwar Halqas and Villages in Shupiyan District of Jammu & Kashmir (2007-2008)