SECTOR WISE INFORMATION OF Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh)
- Number and Capacity of Secondary Power Sub-Stations (37.5, 33/11, 66, 66/37.5,33,11 KV) in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 31.03.2018)

- Number and Capacity of Secondary Power Sub-Stations (37.5, 33/11, 66, 66/37.5,33,11 KV) in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 31.03.2017)

- Number and Capacity of Secondary System to New Sub-Stations Lines (37.5, 33/11, 66, 66/37.5,33,11 KV) in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 31.03.2017)

- Number and Capacity of Secondary Power Sub-Stations (37.5, 33/11, 6.6, 3.3 KV) in Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 31.03.2009)